Daniel Klein

Developer, Managing Director, Holder

Daniel Klein - Evolution Codes


From a retail dealer to a shareholder-managing director and developer

Up to the job as a shareholder-managing director and developer of the Evolution Codes OHG, Daniel came through various jobs and sectors. After his apprenticeship as a retail dealer Daniel still worked in retail, among others as team leader / store manager. After that a job as a dispatcher ensued – shortly afterward he getting started in the web development.

Daniel was an avocational web developer over many years – back then at the bitprofessional.com Ltd. (which is now the Evolution Codes OHG). Full-time he developed himself at a big german DSL / phone and mobile provider from a call center agent over the process coordinator and vicarious head of MNP-Desk up to a demand and project manager. Beside he successful finished a perennial side study as a ‘Dienstleistungs-Betriebswirt (IHK)’ (business economist of service). By that, he not only has knowledge of the economically topics of the service industry (and further), he also provides in the role of a project manager or demand manager.

Before Daniel got self-employed for full-time, he worked as a frontend developer at a sales and marketing agency. There he contributed the implementation of various frontend requirements within a shop system, owned by the agency. For that he used technologies as AngularJS, SCSS / CSS, HTML 5, VanillaJS, jQuery, Gulp, npm and underscore.js.

In 2019 he decided to go for the self-employment. The own company should not be led besides – with his brother Sascha – anymore, but it should become the main profession and the daily passion.

Development of frontend and backend

Within his role as a developer at Evolution Codes OHG Daniel works in frontend as well as in backend. Currently his heartland is the frontend development. Daniel could get many experiences with different frontend technologies in the last years. Besides the simple styling things, Daniel regularly has to do some complex frontend topics like complex form logics and form processings, animations (with various libraries and frameworks – but also without), canvas and vector based animations and functions, gamification and similar things.

Also SEO is one of the topics, Daniel could provide to you. Here the focus is on onpage seo (LCP, CWV, …).

Downside you will find an overview of Daniel’s skills, which (analog the last years) will be extended in the future for sure. If you need a special skill for your project and Daniel doesn’t have it, he will naturally learn it for you.



  • ajax
  • AngularJS
  • Angular
  • Bootstrap
  • Chart.js
  • d3.js
  • Electron
  • ES Next Syntax / Functions
  • Gentelella
  • GreenSock
  • Gulp
  • HTML
  • JavaScript
  • Jest
  • jQuery
  • mustache
  • npm
  • owl carousel
  • require.js
  • ScrollMagic
  • Slick
  • TypeSript
  • underscore.js
  • Vibrant.js
  • Webpack


  • AWS (Lambda-Functions, Gateways, S3)
  • Composer
  • JSON
  • Laravel
  • MySql
  • Node.js
  • PHP
  • PHPUnit
  • XML
  • Zend


  • Adobe After Effects
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe XD
  • Material Design
  • Sketch

Development environments

  • Docker
  • Git
  • Various IDEs and editors (Sublime Text, Atom, Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code, IntelliJ)

Software systems (CMS, Marketing Tools, …)

  • DokuWiki
  • Drupal
  • Google TagManager
  • Mailjet
  • Marketo
  • Matomo
  • Optimizely
  • PatternLab
  • phpBB
  • Typo3
  • Usercentrics
  • WordPress

Project management, process coordination, requirements management

  • Asana
  • BPMN
  • Business cases
  • Demand management
  • Jira
  • Kanban
  • Creating concepts
  • KVP
  • Redmine
  • Requirements engineering
  • Planning of roadmaps and placement of projects on roadmaps
  • Creating project orders
  • Project associated project management during the implementation up to the project completion and the project controlling
  • Scrum

Further training / studies and courses

  • Dienstleistungs-Betriebswirt (IHK) (business economist of service)
  • Conflict management
  • Methods for the quality management
  • Pyramidal preparation of information
  • Requirements engineering (workshop)
  • Rhetoric and public image